Pro Bono OR Case Studies

Case studies are examples of previous Pro Bono OR projects. Browse our library and see how we can help your organisation below.

Analysis of Donor Profile Data

Analysis of Donor Profile Data

The client requested support to analyse a dataset of 25,000 supporters. The main aim was to help them understand how they can better communicate with their donor network.

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Improving Positive Outcomes for a Bereavement Charity

Improving Positive Outcomes for a Bereavement Charity

Since its foundation in 2016, The Harvey Hext Trust has helped hundreds of families, however it hadn’t yet documented in a structured way how many Memory Boxes they have gifted, or when and where they have been sent.

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Critical Review of Data Infrastructure

Critical Review of Data Infrastructure

CEF required a critical review of their system and advice on how best to aggregate and explain the data so that it provides valid, reliable, and useful output that can be safely used by any external organisation.

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Assessing Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Maturity

Assessing Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Maturity

Brandon Trust is a UK charitable organisation working with and for people with a learning disability, autism, or both. They focus on helping people with said disabilities to empower them to live the life they want.

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Using Data for Insight, Understanding and Change

Using Data for Insight, Understanding and Change

Contact wanted a better view of the demographics of the people they reach as a charity, to highlight gaps in services and to inform future activities and analysis.

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Gaining insight from call centre records

Gaining insight from call centre records

Porchlight run a call centre through which they co-ordinate their services, offering advice, referrals to support services or signposting to other information.

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Data Collection and Analysis

Data Collection and Analysis

BuddyHub is a Community Interest Community. They create new friendships to build better-connected and inclusive communities which benefit everyone involved.

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Strategy and Business Planning

Strategy and Business Planning

The Foundation required assistance with the creation of a new mission statement and strategy for the future of the charity, to better enable the organisation to focus its resources more effectively and efficiently.

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Identifying What Data Is Needed and How To Collect It

Identifying What Data Is Needed and How To Collect It

IMAS is a small not-for-profit with huge ambition for global change. It has been working with the Universities of Leeds and Loughborough to evaluate the Mixed Ability model and needed ways of complementing this with monitoring data as evidence

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Developing an Action Plan in the Face of Budget Cuts

Developing an Action Plan in the Face of Budget Cuts

KEL faced increasing pressure with reduced funding and loss of staff. The organisation sought support to the manager to develop a sustainable plan to deliver services.

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Analysis to Help a Domestic Violence Charity

Analysis to Help a Domestic Violence Charity

All the main funding sources were due to terminate within the next six months, and funder decisions on new or replacement sources would not be made until the last minute.

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Planning for financial self sustainability

Planning for financial self sustainability

A developing home care co-operative.

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A New Plan for Hope North East

A New Plan for Hope North East

Hope North East is a charity based in Middlesbrough who offer hope today for all those affected by substance misuse.

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Addressing Loneliness in Rural North Yorkshire

Addressing Loneliness in Rural North Yorkshire

Harrogate and Ripon Centres for Voluntary Service, supporting communities, charities and volunteers to make Harrogate district a great place to live and work.

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Using Transactional Data to Know Your Audience

Using Transactional Data to Know Your Audience

Bloodwise’s wealth of transactional data presented an opportunity to improve their knowledge about their supporters; they were to keen to understand how many different groups of supporters they had and what makes these groups different.

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Supporting a Homeless Charity’s Annual Client Survey

Supporting a Homeless Charity’s Annual Client Survey

A Westminster-based charity supporting homeless people sleeping rough and families in need.

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A systemic map to enable service roll-out

A systemic map to enable service roll-out

No systemic or strategic framework. No systemic flexibility for roll-out.

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A Tool to Help Dog Breeders Identify Genetic Risks

A Tool to Help Dog Breeders Identify Genetic Risks

Some Miniature Wirehaired Dachshunds suffer from a form of epilepsy called Lafora Disease. Two DNA tests are available, but are not yet used by all breeders.

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Simplifying Selection and Improving Allocation

Simplifying Selection and Improving Allocation

Charityworks wanted to learn how they could streamline their selection and matching processes to make them more efficient and effective as they scaled the programme up.

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A Plan to Manage Strategic Issues

A Plan to Manage Strategic Issues

The organisation was failing to anticipate or prepare for fundamental changes, and was losing valuable time and momentum responding to them when they occurred. There was also some misunderstanding among trustees and management on future direction.

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Reviewing a Business Model to Ensure Efficiency

Reviewing a Business Model to Ensure Efficiency

Bikeworks requested a review of their business model and Management Information (MI) arrangements (including impact data) to ensure that they are aligned (and effective and efficient).

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Modelling the UK Dog Population

Modelling the UK Dog Population

Just how many dogs are there in the UK and how many are moving in and out of welfare/rescue? Without an understanding of the population and how it is stratified, it is difficult to propose meaningful welfare improvement policies.

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Measuring the Impact of grants for a funding provider

Measuring the Impact of grants for a funding provider

The Childhood Trust had two objectives: Historically: to assess the impact of The Childhood Trust grant making to date; For the future: to design a framework and process for future impact measurement.

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Identifying Patient Priorities to improve cancer care

Identifying Patient Priorities to improve cancer care

Bloodwise carried out a survey to more than a thousand patients with a view to understand their level of satisfaction throughout different stages of their blood cancer experience.

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Identifying Challenges to Plan for Long Term Success

Identifying Challenges to Plan for Long Term Success

The group, mostly of carers, wanted to act to address the local shortage of housing options for adults with learning disabilities, and needed some research to help decide how to proceed.

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Improving Performance Management

Improving Performance Management

In a small organisation where everyone has to be flexible about their roles it’s easy to get bogged down in daily operations and not devote enough time to strategy and growth.

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Facilitating the Revision of AYME’s Strategy

Facilitating the Revision of AYME’s Strategy

AYME needed to revise its 3-5 year strategy in the light of changing circumstances and several new trustees. An external facilitator for a half day strategic planning workshop was required.

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Evaluating the Impact of Antenatal Classes

Evaluating the Impact of Antenatal Classes

To analyse and evaluate the impact from their antenatal classes on first time parents across various factors: by socio-demographics and other cross analysis to produce an independent evaluation of their outcomes.

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Designing an Outcomes Framework to Measure Impact

Designing an Outcomes Framework to Measure Impact

The client seeks to develop an outcome framework at an organisational level which can be applied across all of their projects in order to evaluate the effectiveness of their work.

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A Strategic Approach to Small Charity Business Planning

A Strategic Approach to Small Charity Business Planning

Hands Inc. aims to bring alternative health approaches to disadvantaged or isolated groups in the community. How to plan a strategic approach to business despite a challenging financial approach, and a reduced numbers of volunteers.

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Harnessing External Data to Improve Efficiency

Harnessing External Data to Improve Efficiency

Needed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of matching processes, free up resource, develop more value adding activities.

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Automated Analysis of Training & Development

Automated Analysis of Training & Development

PIP had begun to collect lots data on the effectiveness of training & development interventions. However they did not have an easy way to aggregate and analyse the data to understand trends and overall effectiveness.

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Setting priorities for growing demand and budget cuts

Setting priorities for growing demand and budget cuts

With funding cuts to themselves, but ever-growing needs from their beneficiaries as the consequences of austerity bite, the organisation needed to develop a sustainable set of priorities – and bring staff with them.

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Gaining Strategic Insight from Data

Gaining Strategic Insight from Data

The charity wanted to be able to gain strategic insights from its data to help with funding applications.

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Processing Donations More Quickly

Processing Donations More Quickly

The Stroke Association’s mission is to prevent strokes and achieve life after stroke through providing services, campaigning, education and research.

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Process Analysis for Continuous Improvement

Process Analysis for Continuous Improvement

Supporter donation management processes can be complex, involve duplication and use multiple external parties and internal depts. Process improvement will ensure the best supporter care and internal use of resource.

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Measuring Impact More Comprehensively

Measuring Impact More Comprehensively

EPF wished to make a better assessment of its impact on clients in order to demonstrate more fully its value to funders.

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Mapping Support to Social Enterprises

Mapping Support to Social Enterprises

The Partnership wants to ensure that local social enterprises get the right support. But the partners involved are multi-agency, with different viewpoints. We were asked to help clarify their offer.

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Managing Risk, Ensuring Sustainability

Managing Risk, Ensuring Sustainability

The client needed to ensure sustainability; management needed a risk management plan which had the involvement and backing of trustees.

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Improving Processes, Increasing impact

Improving Processes, Increasing impact

Needed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of matching processes, free up resource, develop more value adding activities.

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Improving Performance by Redesigning Shifts

Improving Performance by Redesigning Shifts

How to take on new business and improve performance without a big increase in staffing costs.

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Fundraising: Getting the Evidence, Telling the Story

Fundraising: Getting the Evidence, Telling the Story

The new fundraising manager wanted to improve the arguments and evidence for why the group’s work should be funded.

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Understanding Uncertainty to Manage Change

Understanding Uncertainty to Manage Change

A small charity providing services to improve people’s employability, focusing particularly on disadvantaged people who are not supported by the mainstream.

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A Resource Planning Tool for a Charity

A Resource Planning Tool for a Charity

Springboard for Children works to change the effects of underachievement and social exclusion among children in deprived communities.

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Understanding the Benefits of a Social Care Programme

Understanding the Benefits of a Social Care Programme

The WAVE Trust needed to understand the cost and benefits of their social care programme ‘Pioneer Communities’ to support their business case for funding from Local Authorities.

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Data pager
Data pager
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 45 items in 3 pages
Show all 45

Analysis of donor profile data

Analysis of donor profile data

The client requested support to analyse a dataset of 25,000 supporters. The main aim was to help them understand how they can better communicate with their donor network.

Using Transactional Data to Know Your Audience

Using Transactional Data to Know Your Audience

Bloodwise’s wished to improve their knowledge about their supporters; they were to keen to understand how many different groups of supporters they had and what makes these groups different from each other.

Understanding Uncertainty to Manage Change

Understanding Uncertainty to Manage Change

To address the challenging external environment, trustees had recently broadened the charity’s Objects.

Understanding the Benefits of a Social Care Programme

Understanding the Benefits of a Social Care Programme

The WAVE Trust needed to understand the cost and benefits of their social care programme ‘Pioneer Communities’ to support their business case for funding from Local Authorities.

Supporting a Homeless Charity’s Annual Client Survey

Supporting a Homeless Charity’s Annual Client Survey

The Cardinal Hume Centre needed to know its impact on its clients and ensure that their voices were heard.

Simplifying Selection and Improving Allocation

Simplifying Selection and Improving Allocation

Charityworks wanted to learn how they could streamline their selection and matching processes to make them more efficient and effective as they scaled the programme up.

Setting priorities for growing demand and budget cuts

Setting priorities for growing demand and budget cuts

With funding cuts to themselves, but ever-growing needs from their beneficiaries as the consequences of austerity bite, the organisation needed to develop a sustainable set of priorities – and bring staff with them.

Reviewing a Business Model to Ensure Efficiency

Reviewing a Business Model to Ensure Efficiency

Bikeworks requested a review of their business model and Management Information (MI) arrangements (including impact data) to ensure that they are aligned (and effective and efficient).

Processing Donations More Quickly

Processing Donations More Quickly

To seek confirmation that their current process for donation handling was efficient, robust (financially secure with accurate donor data capture) and capable of meeting their service level targets, and to get ideas for process improvements.

Process Analysis for Continuous Improvement

Process Analysis for Continuous Improvement

Supporter donation management processes can be complex, involve duplication and use multiple external parties and internal depts. Process improvement will ensure the best supporter care and internal use of resource.

Planning for financial self sustainability

Planning for financial self sustainability

A new social enterprise’s progress had been much slower than assumed in original financial plans; re-planning was needed, but trustees had limited understanding of original plans.

Modelling the UK Dog Population

Modelling the UK Dog Population

Just how many dogs are there in the UK and how many are moving in and out of welfare/rescue? Without an understanding of the population and how it is stratified, it is difficult to propose meaningful welfare improvement policies.

Measuring the Impact of grants for a funding provider

Measuring the Impact of grants for a funding provider

Historically: to assess the impact of The Childhood Trust grant making to date; For the future: to design a framework and process for future impact measurement.

Measuring Impact More Comprehensively

Measuring Impact More Comprehensively

EPF wished to make a better assessment of its impact on clients in order to demonstrate more fully its value to funders.

Mapping Support to Social Enterprises

Mapping Support to Social Enterprises

The Partnership wants to ensure that local social enterprises get the right support. But the partners involved are multi-agency, with different viewpoints. We were asked to help clarify their offer.

Managing Risk, Ensuring Sustainability

Managing Risk, Ensuring Sustainability

The client needed to ensure sustainability; management needed a risk management plan which had the involvement and backing of trustees.

Improving Processes, Increasing impact

Improving Processes, Increasing impact

Needed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of matching processes, free up resource, develop more value adding activities.

Improving Performance Management

Improving Performance Management

In a small organisation where everyone has to be flexible about their roles it’s easy to get bogged down in daily operations and not devote enough time to strategy and growth.

Improving Performance by Redesigning Shifts

Improving Performance by Redesigning Shifts

How to take on new business and improve performance without a big increase in staffing costs.

Identifying Patient Priorities to improve cancer care

Identifying Patient Priorities to improve cancer care

Bloodwise carried out a survey to more than a thousand patients with a view to understand their level of satisfaction throughout different stages of their blood cancer experience.