Automated Analysis of Training & Development   

The Approach

The project was split broadly into 3 phases: i) Understand, (ii) Deliver and (iii) Refine.

The Understand phase involved discussions with PIP employees around the data they were collecting and the objectives of the project.

The Deliver phase involved the development and testing of an Excel VBA tool to import data collected by PIP, analysis of the overall data set and display of information in graphical and tabular formats.

The Refine phase involved use of the tool by PIP employees through which a number of enhancements were identified and delivered.

"We are thrilled with the analysis tool and I know it has already helped us make sense of the data we are collecting."

The Client

Pursuing Independent Paths: A charity supporting adults with learning disabilities to achieve their potential.

The Client's Problem

PIP had begun to collect lots data on the effectiveness of training & development interventions. However they did not have an easy way to aggregate and analyse the data to understand trends and overall effectiveness. This was necessary to provide assurance internally, for external funding bodies and to provide feedback to students.

The Solution

  • An automated analysis tool to aid review of the effectiveness of training & development interventions
  • Provide transparency on effectiveness at an organisation level, for individual students (example below) and for each type of intervention
  • Enable results to be displayed very quickly and in an easy to understand format to support

The Benefits

  • The volunteer found it extremely fulfilling to work with a charitable organisation which really valued the skill set he could bring to the problem
  • Being able to rapidly analyse and interpret data helped PIP to better understand the effectiveness of their work and provide quantitative feedback to stakeholders


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