Advertising with us

Website Advertising

Website advertising is achieved through a banner bar
displayed on website pages and a listing on the jobs/
products/services advertising page. Both the listing and
banner bar link through to a PDF. Premium packages include
an advert on both the jobs page and the homepage of the ORS website.

Each time a website visitor loads a webpage a banner bar is ‘selected’ from those active at the time. Effectively, as a visitor moves from page to page (or refreshes a page), a different active banner bar is displayed each time. At present, the adverts presented in this way are available to all website visitors; viewing is NOT restricted to members only.

Inside OR Advertising

Advertising via the monthly membership magazine Inside OR is delivered in two media; printed hardcopy and electronic copy. Adverts are offered in half or full-page size; the same basic price applies to both.

Printed (colour) copies are currently sent to all members each month. An email directing readers to the electronic version (currently a PDF) is sent to all members. Members have to log in to the website to view the electronic version. The magazine reaches approximately 3000 members every month.


There is no price difference for advertising appointments, products or services. Prices are offered for advertising in Inside OR and on the website, or a small reduction is offered for website advertising only. A special rate is offered for academic posts, please email [email protected] for more information. The same price applies to half and full page adverts in Inside OR.

The OR Society’s advertising for jobs, products and services is delivered through its website, its monthly membership magazine - Inside OR, our eCampaigns, and our social media channels. 

To place an advertisement or for additional information, contact Jennie Phelps:

Serial Insertion Discount

If advertising is booked for consecutive months, the first insertion is charged at full rate, the second is discounted by 2.5%, and the third and subsequent bookings by 5%.

Please note that this is NOT offered for bookings at the special academic posting rate.

Making A Booking

To place an advert, please contact Jennie Phelps:

Direct line: +44 (0)121 234 7818
General line: +44 (0)121 233 9300
Email: [email protected]

You will need to supply the following information by the relevant copy deadline:

  1. A Purchase Order number;
  2. The booking type – standard, website only or academic listing
  3. Confirmation of the size of advert required for  Inside OR (full or half page); and
  4. Invoicing contact name and address.

Copy Deadlines

  • Copy Deadline: 1st of preceding month
  • Artwork Deadline: 1st of preceding month
  • Electronic copies of Inside OR are sent to members around 20th of preceding month
  • Printed copies are delivered in the last week of the preceding month

Copy Requirements

A4 & A5 adverts saved either as .jpg or .pdf and min. of 300dpi

For the banner bar, we require a JPG or GIF to the appropriate dimensions (see below). If you are unable to supply graphics for the banner, an appropriate clickable message will be displayed in a standard text format.

Please note that The OR Society does NOT produce artwork. Please send all complete artwork and copy to: [email protected]

Notice to advertisers submitting copy electronically

Due to variations in the way that different devices may output files, when advertisements are submitted in digital form there exists a possibility of variations occurring in word flow and the appearance of certain graphics between the originally created version of the advertisement and the final print.

It is impossible for us to identify any such variations unless we are provided with hard copy against which we can check. We therefore regret that we cannot accept responsibility for variations or errors in the final print of digitally submitted advertisements or allow credits in respect of such variations unless we are provided with a colour printout of the advertisement, which must reach this office by the copy submission dates provided in the above deadlines.

Please supply the following to confirm your booking:

  1. A purchase order number (if available)
  2. Confirmation of the size of advert required (e.g. half page, full-page)
  3. Invoicing contact name and address
  4. Confirmation of the date you would like your advert to run from
  5. Confirmation of which magazine issue you would like your advert to run in