Developing an Action Plan in the Face of Budget Cuts 

The Approach

The consultant met with the manager and the Trustees to discuss the issues and ran a workshop to which Trustees, staff and stakeholders were invited.The workshop identified issues around what worked well and not so well and began an open dialogue where information was shared and a greater level of common understanding developed.

The output from the workshop was used to develop a report for wider dissemination to key people unable to be present.

It also enabled the development of  an initial action plan for the manager to discuss with the Trustees and prioritise the organisation’s activity to those likely to make the greatest impact upon their aims and objectives.  The intervention also provided a mentoring opportunity for the manager.

"Very empathetic and honest. An objective outsider who could add to my own knowledge and skills in understanding my organisation’s needs."

The Client

Kaleidoscope Enterprise Ltd (KEL) supplies services to black and minority ethnic groups in the Welwyn-Hatfield and wider areas with aims to empower disadvantaged people and groups

KEL also runs the Kaleidoscope Festival to celebrate diverse cultures (

The Client's Problem

KEL faced increasing pressure with reduced funding and loss of staff. The organisation sought support to the manager to develop a sustainable plan to deliver services.

The Solution

  • Identifying strengths and weaknesses and exposing issues
  • Supporting an open dialogue
  • Developing a focus on what is achievable
  • The Benefits

  • The organisation has greater clarity of priorities
  • KEL has a developing action plan
  • The organisation is emerging from potential decline and re-establishing its presence

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