Addressing Loneliness in Rural North Yorkshire


The Approach

The volunteer analysts collected information and evidence through interviews with stakeholders, accompanying project team on visits to clients, reviewing survey feedback and finance information; used information to produce an initial system diagram. They facilitated a workshop with key stakeholder to present, discuss, amend and built on the system diagram.

Thematic analysis of interview notes then allowed clarification and quantification of major themes and topics and the analysis led to a list of clear recommendations. 

These recommendations were brought together into a strategy map, from which a balanced scorecard of measures can monitor progress and outcomes of the service to ensure maximum benefit.

“I’m really pleased with the report and it will be very useful indeed for forward planning and to support our Big Lottery bid.”

The Client

Harrogate and Ripon Centre for Voluntary Service, supporting communities, charities and volunteers to make Harrogate district a great place to live and work

The Client's Problem

Having recently taken over a rural visiting service for the elderly in North Yorkshire, the client wanted to ensure the service could realise as much benefit as possible.

The Solution

  • Established the aims of the service and how it meets those aims, in particular; sources and types of client and how the service is delivered
  • Developed a strategy map and balanced scorecard that could be used to develop and monitor the service in the future
  • Produced a report that contains a system diagram of how the service works and any recommended changes to the system

The Benefits

  • Thorough understanding of the service and the wider system it is part of
  • Strategy map for reducing loneliness identified and evidenced
  • Client ‘taken on the journey’, so understands where strategies come from
  • Produced a solid foundation from which to re-model the service and apply for associated funding


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