Process Analysis for Continuous Improvement    

The Approach

Thales conducted a Diabetes UK donation process review. This involved engagement with Diabetes UK to capture and then review each process map. Once approved we reviewed the maps for duplication, inconsistency and bottlenecks in the processes.

We conducted a data review to see what is generated and how it is used.

We designed and ran a workshop with Diabetes UK staff and supporters to compare and contrast opinion of what Diabetes UK does well and what could be improved.

Utilising process and data analysis, and the understanding of Diabetes UK gained by staff and supporter engagement we produced a series of observations and recommendations to support their continuous improvement programme.

"We are very pleased with the outputs of this project. The team provided us with a number of recommendations and actions that will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the relationships we have with our supporters."

The Client

Diabetes UK: A charity working on behalf of all people affected by and at risk of diabetes across the UK.

The Client's Problem

Supporter donation management processes can be complex, involve duplication and use multiple external parties and internal departments. Process improvement will ensure the best supporter care and internal use of resource.

The Solution

  • Supporter donation process maps
  • Team and supporter donation workshops
  • Process observations and recommendations
  • Skills transfer to enable Diabetes UK to repeat analysis and deliver approved recommendations

The Benefits

  • Provided external evidence to support existing improvement initiatives
  • Provided new, evidence based improvement areas for consideration
  • Highlighted the benefits of engagement with staff and supporters in continuous improvement design and prioritisation
  • Provided OR knowledge and skills transfer so Diabetes UK can continue to analyse and improve their existing processes


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