Improving Performance Management    

The Approach

Facilitated by Improvement Skills Consulting, the organisation’s key business processes were defined and broken down into key activities. Staff were asked to identify how their time was spent against each of these activities. The analysis revealed a mismatch between what the director felt was needed and how the team actually spent its time. Several options were developed for restructuring roles and workloads; these were presented to the Trustees and a preferred option was selected.

The analysis of processes also highlighted the need for a single CRM system (to replace four separate databases), with integrated performance reporting. A cloud-based CRM solution was implemented and has been tailored to the Trust’s requirements, enabling them to eliminate data duplication and to create timely and accurate performance reports.

The Client

A media sector charity supporting freelance news-gatherers worldwide.

The Client's Problem

In a small organisation where everyone has to be flexible about their roles, it’s easy to get bogged down in daily operations and not devote enough time to strategy and growth.

The Solution

  • A review of business processes and analysis of how everyone in the team was spending their time
  • A redesign of roles and responsibilities to enable the director to focus her time on fundraising and strategy
  • Implementation of a CRM system with performance metrics and reporting
  • The Benefits

  • By understanding where everyone spent their time, it became clear that the director was overloaded with operational matters that could be better dealt with by other team members
  • Freeing-up the director’s time and restructuring everyone’s roles and responsibilities has enabled the Trust to focus its efforts more effectively on fundraising
  • The CRM system has provided an effective way to manage relationships with donors and beneficiaries and provides up-to-the-minute performance reports on fundraising

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