A New Plan for Hope North East    

The Approach

Workshop 1: Workshop with CEO and management team to discuss future challenges for Hope North East, its vision and purpose and map existing objectives.

Workshop 2: Test and refine objectives, develop plan to meet the refined objectives.

Broad consultation on the new vision and purpose with people who use Hope North East and its advisory group.

Workshop 3: Review and refine the draft business plan with the CEO and management team.

Test and sign off new business plan with the Hope North East CEO, management team and board of trustees.

“We are very happy with the revised vision, purpose and three-year strategy.”

The Client

 Hope North East is a charity based in Middlesbrough who offer hope today for all those affected by substance misuse.

The Client's Problem

To aid the CEO, trustees and staff of Hope North East develop a new three-year strategic plan.

The Solution

A collaboratively developed and agreed three year business plan comprising a new vision and purpose, nine strategic objectives with agreed actions and responsible owners.

  • Vision: Hope today for all those affected by substance misuse
  • Purpose: Hope North East, led by the people and the community it serves, inspire, motivate, empower and support all those affected by substance misuse to sustain visible, long term recovery and lasting positive change.

The Benefits

  • A new vision and purpose which inspires and is something the whole of Hope North East can agreed and sign up to.
  • An agreed plan providing the CEO and management team with a focus on the medium to long term priorities of the organisation.


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