A Strategic Approach to Small Charity Business Planning    

 The Approach

The volunteer conducted telephone interviews with a number of key stakeholders and reviewed the organisation’s current financial position. They then mapped all of the data against an organisational review model to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

The client was introduced to the concept of strategy mapping to provide a structured approach to thinking strategically about the charity and how it needs to move forward.

A report was drafted which was presented back to the Managing Director in the form of a coaching/challenge session. The volunteer then worked with the Trustees to generate further discussion about the future of the charity.

The Client

Hands Inc. aims to bring alternative health approaches to disadvantaged or isolated groups in the community.

The Client's Problem

The client needed a strategic approach to business planning due to a challenging financial approach, and a reduced numbers of volunteers to deliver key services. 

The Solution

  • Develop an approach to thinking about strategic planning to provoke thinking and discussion in the management team about the future of the charity.
  • Used a Balanced Scorecard approach to provoke a strategic approach to thinking about the future of the charity.
  • Based on interviews with key stakeholders and a review of the current operating environment, the management team agreed that ‘business as usual’ was not an option.    

The Benefits

  • Identified key strengths and challenges of the charity.
  • Helped the client to think strategically about the future of the charity ,her role and her aspirations for the future.
  • Supported the client to discuss her aspirations openly and honestly with the board of Trustees.


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