Analysis of Donor Profile Data

The Approach

To address the problem, the following steps were taken: 

  • An exploratory analysis of the initial datasets available, using PowerBI. 
  • Soft OR techniques to map out potential hypotheses. 
  • Sourcing additional (open source) datasets to supplement the RUHX datasets. 
  • Data blending using PowerBI and Excel. 
  • Analysing the combined data to address the hypotheses in PowerBI. No statistical hypothesis testing was done, to ensure understanding of the themes/outcomes, and to enable repeatability. 
  • Developing a methodology to segment RUHX’s postcode areas of interest into understandable profiles (‘pen pics’), based on proximity, donation history, population, and a proxy for affluence. 
  • Building a presentation model in Excel for RUHX to explore the pen pics for each of their postcode areas of interest. 
  • PowerPoint presentation to explain the full methodology, findings and opportunities for RUHX.

“The OR Society really helped our charity. They were easy to work with (processes and people) and we ended up with a real data expert analysing our data our making recommendation. More insight than we’d have gotten if we paid for the work I think! I’d highly recommend that you consider if the OR can help your charity.”

The Client

RUHX is the official NHS Charity for Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust. RUHX supports the activities of the Trust through fundraising and delivering across patient welfare, staff welfare, research, and redevelopment (for example building works, including the recently opened Dyson Cancer Centre). 

The Client's Problem

RUHX requested support analysing a dataset of 25,000 supporters to understand how they can better communicate with their donor network to continue their work. 

The Solution

The project identified the following actionable insights: 

  • Returning donors made up a large proportion of RUHX fundraising, so effort in recognising and nurturing relationships has and will further benefit the charity in the long term. 
  • RUHX have had the most fundraising success on specific funding campaigns, so they may wish to conduct some qualitative analysis to further understand their donors' reasons for giving. 
  • Proximity to the hospital was not the deciding factor around the levels of fundraising, so the project identified six postcode areas to prioritise and develop. 

The Benefits

  • RUHX have used the outcomes of the analysis with their marketing and fundraising teams, in order to explain to their staff features of their catchment area, and to inform their strategies. 
  • I was particularly satisfied to be able to play back to RUHX about the effectiveness of the fundraising efforts they have made in the past, and to find some development opportunities for the future. 
  • RUHX felt the brief was fulfilled, and welcomed the challenge and additional understanding the project created. 


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