Understanding the Benefits of a Social Care Programme    

The Approach

The consultant initially spent a day with the WAVE Trust team to understand how developed their business case was. The organisation had a good understanding of the costs of the social case programme but had not defined the benefits and tied these to financial savings for Local Authorities. Therefore the focus was put on identifying ways to identify and quantify the benefits of ‘Pioneer Communities’.

The consultant also built a cost/benefit model that would take the data and provide them with analysis that would support their business case. The WAVE Trust discussed the proposed plan and it was written it up for future use.

The Client

The WAVE Trust focus on improving the welfare of children through preventing child maltreatment.

The Client's Problem

The WAVE Trust needed to understand the cost and benefits of their social care programme ‘Pioneer Communities’ to support their business case for funding from Local Authorities.

The Solution

  • A review of current cost benefit data in their business case.
  • Suggested methods for benefit data collection that will stand up to scrutiny.
  • A model that uses cost and benefit data to calculate a cost profile and payback period.
  • A report suggesting ways to improve their ability to do cost benefit analysis.

The Benefits

  • The WAVE Trust gained use of a specialist capability that was previously inaccessible.
  • The WAVE Trust was then able to build a compelling business case backed up by defensible and transparent analysis.
  • The volunteer consultant reported gaining valuable experience of working on a problem very different to their day job.


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