Join the EPSRC Peer Review College

Find out how becoming a peer reviewer can further enhance your career

What is the EPSRC Peer Review College?

When an academic submits a funding application to EPSRC, the application is reviewed by experts in the field. Many of the experts used are members of the EPSRC Peer Review College. 

Why join the College?

The EPSRC Peer Review college is interested in receiving more applications from academics with OR expertise to join the college.

At The OR Society, we are on a mission to address this, which is why we are calling on our community of OR academics to update their Je-S details to ensure Operational Research specifically is included as a specialism, and to also join the Peer Review College.

The benefits

Being involved in the EPSRC Peer Review College not only benefits the wider OR community but also gives you an opportunity to enhance your knowledge on research funding and UKRI/EPSRC strategy, boost your credibility, and network with your peers. 

As a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College, you will receive: 

  • Training and guidance to help you better understand the funding and application review process, which you can also apply to your own applications 
  • Regular updates via newsletters and other means about changes to EPSRC policy and processes that may impact your role
  • Opportunities to network with fellow academics via meetings and otherwise
  • Recognition for the amount of proposals you have reviewed on your ORCID profile 
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Watch the EPSRC's 5 steps of the peer review process

The new criteria as of November 2023 is:
  • Vision of the project
  • Approach to the project
  • Capability of the applicant or applicants and the project team to deliver the project
  • Resources requested to do the project
  • Ethics and responsible research and innovation considerations of the project

Read the latest news regarding EPSRC Peer Review College and from the OR Society and community here.

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