Getting started with your peer college journey

How to get started

  1. First and foremost, if you haven’t already, please create a J-es account here.
  2. Already have an account? Update your J-es registration to highlight OR in your areas of interest, in addition to your specialisms (i.e. Simulation). You can do this via your online portal by adding OR to the “add research areas” section.
  3. Finally, once you have updated J-es, you can apply to the EPSRC Peer Review College here. The application takes just 10-15 minutes to complete and you will hear back within weeks.

The Joint electronic Submission (Je-S) system 

The Je-S system is an important tool for anyone interested in peer reviewing and it is recommended that anyone, whether or not they are a member of the college, updates their research areas in their account to highlight that they have OR expertise. Reviewers can now link their Je-S account to their Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) account, allowing them to keep a digital record of the reviews carried out for EPSRC. This new feature helps members receive more recognition and visibility for their work as peer reviewers. 

Please note that the Je-S system is no longer used for funding services, but is still used for college membership.



Your responsibilities

Upon joining you will complete a 45-minute training course to ensure you understand the review process fully.

Following this, you are requested to: 

  • provide informed, objective, and timely reviews via the online Joint electronic Submission (Je-S) system, within 21 days after you accept the request 
  • sit on assessment or moderation panels
  • keep your Je-S details up to date, particularly those elements relating to your availability to undertake reviews and describe your areas of expertise 
  • keep up to date with developments that may affect your role as a member of the college, for example through attendance at EPSRC organised events, its website, and its newsletters 

You will be asked to review a maximum of 8 applications within any 12-month period, yet you are in not obliged to review every application that comes your way.

If you are unable to fulfil a request, you simply need to notify EPSRC as soon as possible after receiving the request. This ensures there is no adverse delay on an application.