Why Join The Operational Research Society?

Becoming a member of the Operational Research Society UK opens the door to a world of opportunities and resources that can propel your career forward. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, the ORS provides the support, knowledge, and connections you need to succeed.


Membership fees

5 Reasons to Become a Member

Professional Development

Becoming a member of the OR Society provides opportunities for personal and professional growth

Community and Networking

 Joining the OR Society connects you with like-minded professionals, academics, and practitioners in the field of operational research. You’ll be part of a supportive community that fosters collaboration and idea exchange.

Access to Resources

As a member, you’ll gain access to valuable resources such as journals, publications, and research papers. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments and contribute to the advancement of OR.

Career Opportunities

Membership can enhance your career prospects. Employers often value professional affiliations, and being part of the OR Society demonstrates your commitment to the field.

Influence and Impact

By joining, you can actively shape the future of operational research. Participate in discussions, contribute to policy decisions, and make a difference in the field.

Why Join the OR Society

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Joining The Operational Research Society (ORS) is an excellent way to expand your network, enhance your skills, and stay updated on the latest developments in operational research and analytics.

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Corporate Membership

Corporate Membership

Joining as corporate membership offers your staff access to exclusive industry insights, training, and professional development resources that can enhance their skills and increase company performance.

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Student Membership

Student Membership

Student membership with the OR Society is fully subsidised and gives you access to events, knowledge, networks, and career development.

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