Join The Operational Research Society

Joining The Operational Research Society (ORS) is an excellent way to expand your network, enhance your skills, and stay updated on the latest developments in operational research and analytics.

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Membership ensures:

Professional Development

Membership provides access to prestigious accreditation pathways that benchmark your success, as well as to expert-led conferences, tailored, skills-based training and webinars to expand your expertise.

Extend your network

Enter the OR community and meet with peers, professionals, experts and potential clients or partners, enabling you to learn from others and share your knowledge.

Access to research

Membership gives you access to the latest OR journals and research. This is invaluable for staying updated on the latest developments in the field.

Knowledge exchange

If you’re interested in collaborative research or consulting, The OR Society offers a great platform to source potential partners and collaborators for projects and initiatives.

Stay informed

Stay ahead of the curve with our regular magazine, news updates and industry insights.

Support and mentorship

Our mentorship programme connects members at different career stages to give and receive support in navigating careers and making informed choices.

Make an impact

Contribute to pro bono projects and volunteer initiatives that tackle real-world challenges for good causes.

The OR Society is home to the science + art of problem solving. Our diverse global community of operational researchers and analysts is the gateway to a thriving career 

As a member, you will access the tools you need to thrive in your profession at every stage of your career. You will enjoy distinct networking opportunities, an ever-developing library of insight and resources, and a rich programme of events and training.

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Professional certification

The OR Society offers its members three pathways for professional certification

  • OR Society accreditation - become a Fellow of The OR Society
  • Chartered Scientist and Registered Scientist
  • Certified / Advanced Data Science Professional

These are available exclusively to members, as belonging to a relevant professional society is widely acknowledged as a crucial element of certified professional competence

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