The UK Government's Commitment to Research and Innovation: 2024 Workforce Survey Launched 

The 2024 UK Research and Innovation (R&I) survey, now in its second iteration, is open to all individuals working in the R&I field, regardless of their role, specialism, or sector. From trainee researchers to experienced technicians, engineers to R&I leaders and managers, the government is seeking input from a diverse range of voices. This inclusive approach ensures a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing the UK's R&I workforce.

One of the primary objectives of the survey is to assess the impact of current government policies on the R&I sector. By collecting data directly from those on the front lines of innovation, policymakers can gain a clearer picture of what works and what needs improvement. This evidence-based approach is crucial for making informed decisions that will drive the sector forward and maintain the UK's competitive edge in the global research landscape.

The timing of this survey is particularly significant, as it comes ahead of the next spending review. The data collected will play a vital role in making the case for workforce policies, including strategies to attract and retain top R&D talent. In an increasingly competitive international market for skilled researchers and innovators, understanding the needs and aspirations of the workforce is essential for developing effective retention and recruitment strategies.

Building on the success of its predecessor, the 2024 survey aims to identify changes in the R&I workforce over time. This longitudinal approach allows for a more nuanced understanding of trends and shifts within the sector. The insights gained from the first workforce survey have already proven invaluable, supporting policy work and informing business cases for important initiatives such as the Green Future Fellowship and the Faraday Discovery Fellowships.

The government's commitment to evidence-based decision-making is clear in its approach to this survey. By reaching out to professionals across the private, public, and non-profit sectors, the survey will provide a comprehensive view of the R&I landscape in the UK. This broad perspective is crucial for developing policies that address the needs of the entire sector, rather than just a specific segment.

Participation in the survey is not just an opportunity for R&I professionals to have their voices heard; it's a chance to actively shape the future of their field. The data collected will influence funding allocation, policy development, and strategic planning for years to come. As such, the government is strongly encouraging all eligible individuals to take part and contribute their unique perspectives.

The survey will remain open until September 15, 2024, giving professionals ample time to participate. The government has made the process as accessible as possible, with detailed information and the survey itself available online. This digital approach ensures that professionals from all corners of the UK can easily contribute, regardless of their location or work schedule.

As the UK continues to navigate an ever-changing global research landscape, initiatives like this workforce survey are more important than ever. By staying attuned to the needs and experiences of its R&I professionals, the government can ensure that the UK remains at the forefront of scientific discovery and technological innovation. The 2024 UK Research and Innovation workforce survey is not just a data collection exercise; it's a testament to the government's commitment to fostering a thriving, world-class R&I sector that will drive progress and prosperity for generations to come.

You can find out more information or respond to the survey now. The closing date is 15 September 2024.



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