
If you enjoy maths but you’re not sure how you could use it in a career, take a look at operational research (OR). Below, you’ll find a brief definition of Operational Research (OR), the qualifications and experience required.

Who employs OR analysts?

A career in operational research (OR) within academia involves conducting advanced research to develop mathematical models and analytical methods that optimise decision-making and improve organisational efficiency.


More than 25 government departments and agencies rely on OR analysts to help them find solutions to complex management problems: solutions vital to improving the quality of life for millions of people across the UK. But what is it that government OR analysts actually do? Simply put, operational research brings intellectual rigour to the decision-making process. By looking closely at complex systems, and developing models that predict the way they behave, analysts can bring a new perspective to the way problems are tackled. They’re also able to work with colleagues in areas such as economics, statistics, social research and science.


OR professionals work across various sectors, including finance, healthcare, logistics, and manufacturing, to optimise resource allocation, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. Their role often involves data analysis, developing algorithms, and using software tools to simulate and predict outcomes. Industry OR practitioners must possess strong quantitative skills, practical problem-solving abilities, and the capacity to translate analytical insights into actionable strategies that drive organisational success.

Examples include NATS (National Air Traffic Service), EY, British Airways, IBM, RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) to name just a few!


Academics in this field contribute to the body of knowledge through publishing in scholarly journals, presenting at conferences, and collaborating on interdisciplinary projects. They also play a crucial role in educating the next generation of OR professionals by teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, mentoring students, and guiding them in research endeavors.

This career path requires a strong foundation in mathematics, statistics, and computer science, combined with a passion for solving complex real-world problems.

The Profession

Operational research is a profession where initiative, creativity and enthusiasm are every bit as important as technical ability. There is great scope for you to make your mark and, consequently, your future is very much in your own hands.

OR can be used for strategic planning, operational planning and decision making, has enhanced organisations and experiences all around us. If are interested in real-world examples of OR making a difference, read our business case studies.

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Qualifications and experience

People employed in OR are generally graduates with numerical degrees and many have followed courses with a significant mathematical, statistical or computing content, opportunities. However, since OR is a multidisciplinary area where entry is not limited to people with particular qualifications (such as just mathematics), opportunities can exist for people from other disciplines and those who move into OR from other professions. Anyone who is good with numbers and enjoys problem-solving could have a career in OR.

As a university student, it’s possible to gain experience by doing a placement year or summer internship in OR either in the government or industry. Additionally, if you’re doing a numerate degree at university, you can sign up for free student membership which offers the opportunity various opportunities and benefits.

Sign up as a student member

Did you meet The OR Society at a careers fair? Are you looking for more information on careers in OR?

We have a leaflet summarising OR and how The OR Society can help you, and a career brochure full of information on top OR employers.

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Management Science

Operational research, also known as management science, is an increasingly versatile career. Within a few years, you might advance to a project or team leader position, and eventually manage an OR department. Alternatively, many companies now hire individuals with an OR background for roles in departments such as production or marketing, or you might choose to specialise in a specific area of OR.

For those considering a career in general management, few paths provide a better early overview and understanding of organisational operations. OR teams typically engage in projects that require a broad range of business skills and interactions with everyone from the shop floor to the boardroom. Many directors and senior managers began their careers in OR. Whatever your career goals, OR offers an excellent starting point!