OR in real world situations


Through a collection of meticulously detailed case studies, we showcase how businesses across various industries have harnessed the principles of OR to optimise their operations, streamline processes, and achieve remarkable efficiency.

These real-life examples illustrate the practical application of OR techniques, demonstrating their impact on decision-making, resource management, and overall organizational success. Explore how companies have tackled complex challenges with innovative OR solutions, turning theoretical concepts into tangible results.



Smart Cites and Planning

Operational research contributes to the development of smart cities by optimising transportation systems, energy consumption, waste management, and overall urban planning. This involves modelling and optimising complex interactions within urban environments.

Examples of how OR has been used to support planning

Stung into action and Optimising waste flows

Cybersecurity Operations

As cybersecurity threats continue to evolve, OR methodologies are being employed to optimise cybersecurity operations. This includes incident response planning, risk assessment, and resource allocation for protecting digital assets.

Environmental and Sustainable Operations

OR is playing a crucial role in addressing environmental sustainability challenges. This includes optimising resource usage, waste management, and designing sustainable processes across industries.

How OR has been used to support the environment - President's Medal 

Healthcare Operations Management

OR techniques are increasingly applied in healthcare to optimise resource allocation, patient flow, scheduling, and overall healthcare delivery. This includes addressing challenges in hospital management, healthcare logistics, and patient care.

How OR is used within healthcare; Cambridge University Operational Research Approaches,  Resource Management in hospital surgeries and How OR helps kidney patients

Humanitarian Operations

OR techniques are utilised in humanitarian logistics and operations to optimise the distribution of resources during crises, such as natural disasters and pandemics. This involves efficient allocation of aid, transportation planning, and coordination.

Improving patient transport in New South Wales

Helping the NHS make informed decisions

Risk Management and Resilience

OR is increasingly applied in assessing and managing risks in various industries, including finance, energy, and logistics. The focus is on developing models that enhance organisational resilience in the face of uncertainties.

A healthy outlook , Turning stock into excess cash and Optimising efficiency in the police force

Service and Customer Experience

Optimisation in service-oriented industries, such as retail and hospitality, is an expanding area within OR. This includes improving customer experience, workforce scheduling, and service delivery efficiency.

Making sure it's service as usual