Call for Editor

The Society invites interested parties to submit their CVs for consideration for joining the Society's Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS) editorial team.

The deadline for expressions of interest is 12 July 2024.

The Journal of the Operational Research Society was founded in 1950 and publishes papers that cover the theory, practice, history or methodology of OR. Since OR is primarily an applied science, the major objective of the journal is to attract and publish accounts of good, practical case studies. Consequently, papers illustrating applications of OR to real problems are especially welcome.

The journal is currently co-edited jointly by Martin Kunc (University of Southampton, UK), Said Salhi (University of Kent, UK and Khalifa University, UAE), and Zhe George Zhang (Western Washington University, USA and Simon Fraser University, Canada), and until recently, John Boylan (Lancaster University) who sadly died in July 2023. The journal's Editorial team has over thirty associate editors in place and an esteemed International Advisory Board.

Full information on the journal can be found at:

The journal is looking for a fourth Co-Editor-in-Chief, who can cover forecasting or related statistical based areas (to fill the gaps formerly covered by John Boylan). The new Co-Editor-in-Chief will be expected to start as early as September 2024 and no later than January 2025.

The selected editor should be internationally recognised, be able to demonstrate a clear understanding of the journal's aims and have constructive ideas on its future development to meet the challenges and needs of the subject and the Society.



Please send your CV with a covering letter to Seb Hargreaves, Executive Director at [email protected]. The deadline for expressions of interest is 28 June 2024. The appointment is for an initial period of five years, potentially renewable beyond that. An honorarium is paid.

To strengthen the diversity of the editor team, applications from women and other underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged.