Analytics Network

For those with an interest in analytics, in topics such as data science, optimisation, visualisation, big data, regression, data mining, predictive modelling or forecasting, the Analytics Network is intended to be your home within The OR Society.

The hope is that by engaging with group, you too will feel that operational research is a key part of the analytics toolkit, is something that can add value to analytics and that The OR Society is the professional home to meet all your needs.

The Analytics Network organises regular events offering the opportunity to network within the analytics community and also to hear from invited speakers regarding the impact of analytics in the day-to-day.

With many of the events and resources being free to access, the OR Society membership does give further benefits. Group members will also be able to access free electronic magazines on analytics: INFORMS’ Analytics magazine. (INFORMS is the US-equivalent of The OR Society). By signing up to be part of the Analytics Network you are ensuring that you receive notification of the latest events, networking and e-magazines.


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If you would like your colleagues or clients to sign-up for this group, you can email them an invite.

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Committee Details

Christina Phillips Co-Chair
Balagopal Menon Madhu Co-Chair
Adel Hatamimarbini
Committee Member - Research Engagement
Matthew Robinson Committee Member - External Engagement
Eduardo Contreras Cortes Committee Member

Get in touch

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The OR Society's Analytics Summit, which takes place every year in London. Run in conjunction with the Royal Statistical Society, the Annual Analytics Summit brings together speakers and exhibitors from the very cutting edge of analytics to deliver a one-day, one-stop shop for learning about how big data and analytics are shaping the future of organisational decision making. 

Find out more

External of IET, Savoy Place, London