Get Involved

General Council Elections

View details for our annual General Council elections

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Volunteering Opportunities

Find out how you can contribute your time to The OR Society

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OR in Education

Help us inspire the next generation of operational researchers and analysts.

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Pro Bono OR

OR is about finding ways to apply analytical methods to make better decisions.

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Society Groups

There are a number of groups within The OR Society to enable people to get together, keep up-to-date, share ideas and develop knowledge on specific themes.

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Related Organisations

Here's where you'll find other organisations of interest

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Submit a paper to a journal

Submit your paper directly to our journal and magazine editors

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Become a reviewer

If you are a researcher working in OR, analytics or information systems, you have a valuable role to play in advancing the use of OR

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Leave a lasting legacy

How to gift a donation to The OR Society in your Will

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OR in Focus

OR in Focus: The Nigel Cummings Memorial Photography Competition 2024

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