Webinar speaker registration form

EPSRC Application form

Webinar speaker terms and conditions

Sign up to share your knowledge at our Webinar Wednesday series 

We are looking for OR experts who would like to present at our hugely popular Webinar Wednesday series. The theme for the webinars is "Use of OR in the real world" and will explore OR areas of interest and methodologies.  

The benefits of presenting one of our webinars include: 

  • Enhancing your reputation to your professional community
  • Provide the opportunity for you to showcase recent work or developments in your field
  • Connect you with likeminded professionals, with previous webinars attendance reaching 174 people per session, on average 
  • Discussing ideas with engaged attendees including those from companies such as Sellafield Ltd, British Airways, Atkins, ONS and numerous government departments and universities.  

The format of the webinar is a 45-minute presentation, with 10 minutes of question and answers at the end. We plan to hold each webinar on the last Wednesday of every month at 1 pm, starting in May. 


Please fill out the form below to register your interest in presenting. 

The first page will ask for details of your proposed talk, the second will ask some questions about you and the third page will ask for additional infomation and availability

Please tell us what audience will benefit from hearing your talk.

How to record yourself guide


The OR Society blank powerpoint slides