OR in Health and Social Care

Health and social care systems worldwide have suffered from recent pandemics alongside the ever-growing problems of ageing populations and increasing multiple long-term conditions. Operational research (OR) is at the forefront of analysing solutions to find best use of available resources in these situations. The OR in Health and Social Care stream is broad in focus, covering the full range of OR methods used to support health and social care-related decisions. 

Talks within the OR in Health and Social Care stream will cover a range of current and priority areas, such as care in the community, virtual wards, emergency department congestion, ambulance priorities, scheduling and waiting lists, alongside management of clinical conditions such as frailty and obesity, and cancer diagnosis. Various modelling approaches will be showcased in addressing these issues, including simulation and queueing models, system dynamics, machine learning, forecasting, problem structuring methods and optimisation. 

You will find out how operational research communities both around the UK and globally are using a range of novel and established OR methods to address various problems in the health and social care domain.  

The stream will cover a mix of talks from both the practical and theoretical angles. Academics, consultants, and practitioners should therefore find value in attending the sessions. 


Honora Smith, University of Southampton


Daniel Gartner, Cardiff University


Claire Worthington, Lancaster University