OR63: Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement Learning (RL) is one of the hottest research topics in the interdisciplinary research subjects of operations research (OR) and artificial intelligence (AI).

Reinforcement Learning is a type of semi-supervised machine learning technique that enables an agent to learn in an interactive environment by trial and error using rewards to make sequential decisions under uncertainty. Applications of RL are widely used in the real world, including manufacturing, healthcare, trading, robotics and so on.

We're now looking for OR professionals, data scientists, professors, researchers, analysts, engineers, etc., to present at this event. Submit your 300-word presentation summary on reinforcement learning by the now extended deadline of the 25th of June to join our expert OR63 speakers!

Get STARTed, Submit today



Submissions deadline extended: 25 June 2021

Share your reinforcement learning knowledge

We welcome talks on your reinforcement learning

This stream provides a fantastic opportunity to bring researchers from both OR and AI communities together to learn from each other and covers state of the art topics including:

  • RL theory;
  • advanced RL algorithm; 
  • and applications. 

Submit your 300-word summary now to speak at our reinforcement learning stream. 

Get STARTed, Submit today

Meet the stream organisers

If you have any questions, please contact the stream organisers by using their details below. 

Huan Yu

Huan Yu, 
University of Southampton
[email protected]





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