OR63: OR in the Third Sector

The aim of this stream is to showcase analytical work, share experiences, and explore issues that may help improve the effectiveness of the third sector OR and analysts.

The third sector consists of organisations that are not part of the private sector or public sector and plays an important, growing role in society and within some sectors of the economy.

The third sector includes a wide range of organisational forms, including charities, cooperatives, community groups and voluntary societies, each with its own governance arrangements and with a diverse range of skills, operating models, activities and beneficiaries. As such decisions and performance need to be judged against a wide range of criteria, often with levels of complexity. It therefore can present unique challenges and opportunities for analysts.

Analytical activity may include modelling for efficiency and effectiveness improvement; data analysis for increased insight, better forecasting or service design; benefits, outcomes and performance measurement; strategy development; and more.

We're now looking for OR professionals, data scientists, professors, researchers, analysts, engineers, etc., to present at this event. Submit your 300-word presentation summary on OR in the third sector by the now extended deadline of the 25th of June to join our expert OR63 speakers!

Get STARTed, Submit today



Submissions deadline extended: 25 June 2021

Share your experience of OR in the Third Sector

Submissions from either academics, the industry or the public sector are welcome!

Submissions may be:

  • case-study papers
  • discussions of work in progress or planned
  • column generation and branch-and-price methods
  • papers discussing need or demand for analysis in relevant areas
  • papers exploring the general issues associated with the practice of OR in the Third Sector
Submit your 300-word summary now to speak at our OR in the third sector stream.

Get STARTed, Submit today

Meet the stream organisers

If you have any questions, please contact one of the stream organisers below using their details listed. 

Ruth Kaufman OBE

Ruth Kaufman OBE, 
London School of Economics
[email protected]

Malcolm Fenby

Malcolm Fenby, 
University of Warwick
[email protected]





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