OR63: Analytics in Finance

This stream focuses on the application of various analytical approaches on large scale datasets to support decision making in finance.

The public sector, private sector and academics are welcome to join this stream to share their insights and experience of using traditional OR methods or the latest machine learning methods to solve financial problems. 

We're now looking for OR professionals, data scientists, professors, researchers, analysts, engineers, etc., to present at this event. Submit your 300-word presentation summary on analytics in finance by the now extended deadline of the 25th of June to join our expert OR63 speakers!

Get STARTed, Submit today



Submissions deadline extended: 25 June 2021

Share your analytics in finance knowledge

We would like to invite you to submit a summary of your proposed talk.

We are looking for talks to include the following areas, but are not limited to:

  • credit risk modelling
  • credit scoring
  • quantitative risk management
  • fraud detection
  • marketing analytics
  • customer relationship management for financial services
Submit your 300-word summary now to speak at our analytics in finance stream.

Get STARTed, Submit today

Meet the stream organiser

If you have any questions, please contact the stream organiser Dr Meko So by email. 

Dr Meko So

Dr Meko So, 
University of Southampton
[email protected]

Cristian Bravo Roman

Cristian Bravo Roman, 
University of Western Ontario
[email protected]





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