JORS Gender Equality Paper Webinar


Following the discussion paper titled ‘Gender Equality: Opportunities and Challenges for the OR Community’ being published in JORS, the authors of the paper will be holding an interactive webinar to further discuss the paper and allow participants to ask questions.

The discussion paper identifies a gap in understanding gender equality issues in the discipline of OR and the role of gender in participation and career progression in the field. To address this gap, a gender lens was applied to OR literature, examining its history, community, theory, methods and practice to uncover hidden gender dimensions and bring gender issues into focus. The analysis revealed that women are largely invisible from recorded OR history. Through a survey of the current OR community, insights into career paths by gender were gained. Using a decision tree approach, it was found that women perceive barriers to participation and career progression, which are less apparent to their male peers. This study offers new insights by reflecting on OR history through a gender lens, discussing the impact of gender on OR careers, and critically examining the findings. The aim of the paper is to stimulate conversation and encourage further exploration of innovative and cross-disciplinary research at the intersection of gender and OR.  

Read the paper here:


This webinar is a joint event held by JORS, WISDOM and WORAN.

Associate Professor Paula Carroll researches and teaches Operational Research and Business Analytics in the School of Business, University College Dublin, Ireland focusing on problems that arise in the clean energy transition. Paula’s background is in electrical engineering. She has considerable experience in both academia and industry having worked in Business Planning and Management with Ireland's former incumbent telco, and as a Software Developer with Ireland's semi-state electricity company prior to her current role. Paula was academic director of the Bachelor of Commerce (International) programme from 2013-2017. Paula’s research has been funded by Science Foundation Ireland, the Irish Research Council, the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, and Horizon Europe. Paula coordinates the CHISTERA SEC-OREA project “Supporting Energy Communities with Operations Research and Energy Analytics”, She is founder and chair of the EURO WISDOM Forum to promote, support, empower, and encourage the participation of all genders in Operations Research and Management Science, For more details see

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Dr Annunziata Esposito Amideo is currently an Assistant Professor in Management Information Systems at the UCD College of Business (Dublin, Ireland). Annunziata’s main research interest is disaster management problems, in particular how optimization tools can improve mitigation and response operations within disaster management. Her research interests also include gender analytics, sustainable location and routing as well as railway infrastructure protection. Annunziata currently serves as secretary for the EURO WISDOM (Women in Society Doing Operational Research and Management Science) Forum, member of the PR & Media sub-committee for The UK OR Society WORAN (Women in OR and Analytics Network) and is an advisory board member of the UCD Women@STEM association. Annunziata is also a member of several UCD institutes such as the Earth Institute, the Energy Institute and the Transport Research Hub. For more info:

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