Jump-start your career in OR, analytics or data science

Get ready for the UK’s only operational research careers fair

The OR Society’s Careers Open Day connects students from STEM fields and other numerate degrees with top OR, analytics and data science employers to discuss job opportunities and the benefits of working in these sectors.

On 07 November, we are holding the 2024 Careers Open Day, in person, at Novotel in Birmingham.

You will enjoy FREE ACCESS* into the exhibition hall and can:

  • Meet a variety of organisations working within OR & Analytics.
  • Hear from industry professionals who have found their perfect career in the sector.
  • Find out about the benefits of working in OR.

Many of these employers will also be actively hiring, so make sure you ask for their top tips on applying for a job with them!


Meet this year's exhibitor's


Businesses and universities:

Exhibiting at COD24 is the best way to meet the next generation of analysts, data scientists and researchers.

You can exhibit, promote your brand, network with other organisations and have 1:1 meetings with rising stars in maths, computer science and numerate disciplines at our in-person event.

If you are interested in becoming an exhibitor, please read our exhibitor brochure for more information.

Download our Exhibitor brochure

Our exhibitor slots are limited, so we urge you to book as soon as possible.To book your place, please email [email protected] to express your interest.


book now


“You have to go wholeheartedly into anything in order to achieve anything worth having.”

– Frank Lloyd Wright, Careers Open Day 2020

Key highlights from 2022

  • Abideen Sadiq and Tanaka Nyamande shared their experience of joining Capgemini and how they use what they studied in machine learning in the real world
  • Robin Wood from GORS explaining the opportunities available for graduates within the various Government OR departments
  • Questions such as: 'How can I demonstrate I’m a suitable applicant?' and 'How can I become a lecturer?' answered in our Q&A sessions.