Annual General Meeting 2019

Thursday 4 July 2019


The Future Technology Centre,
University of Portsmouth, 4th Floor Portland Street, Portsmouth, PO1 3HE


The OR Society's Annual General Meeting will take place on 4 July 2019 at 15:00 at the University of Portsmouth's Future Technology Centre. The meeting is one of the most important for members to make their voices heard, through votes and contributions in the meeting.

All members are encouraged to vote, either by post or online, or by handing in their ballots at the meeting. Postal and online ballots should arrive 24 hours before the meeting to be counted.


Hybrid Simulation: getting the best of all possible worlds

Lecture begins at 16:00

The AGM will include a talk by Professor Sally Brailsford:

Hybrid (or multi-paradigm) simulation is a modelling approach that combines two or more of the simulation methods discrete-event simulation, system dynamics and agent-based simulation.  Recent years have seen a rapid growth of interest in hybrid simulation within the OR community,  due in part to the wider availability and greater user-friendliness of commercial software for developing hybrid models, but mainly because of its ability to capture multiple aspects of complex real-world problems by exploiting the complementary strengths of these different methods. 

This talk provides a practical overview of the topic illustrated by some examples from the field of healthcare, presents some findings from a recent review of the literature, and identifies promising areas for future research.




  1. Apologies.
  2. To approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 19 June 2018. A copy of the minutes can be found online at
  3. To approve the Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2018. The Annual Report and Accounts can be found online at
  4. To reappoint Mazars LLP as auditors to the society.
  5. Special resolution requiring a 75% majority. To set the following annual subscription rates for members NOT paying by direct debit with effect from 01/01/2020; £83.00 (Ordinary rate), £55 (Reduced rate).
    EXPLANATORY NOTE: The above rates represent an average increase of 2.2% on current rates, the increase being based on the CPI rate. OR Society subscriptions have been, and after the above-proposed increases would remain, low by general standards. There is no change to the subscriptions for members paying by direct debit (£73.50 and £49).
  6. Special resolution requiring a 75% majority. To set the following accreditation application fees with effect from 01/01/2020:
    £73.50 (FORS), £52.50 (AFORS), £32.00 (AORS). CandORS applications remain free.
    EXPLANATORY NOTE: The above rates represent an increase of 2.1% on current rates, the 12-monthly CPI rate in December 2018.
  7. Special resolution requiring a 75% majority. To set the following annual accreditation add-on subscription rates with effect from 01/01/2020; £24.00 (AFORS)
    For members paying monthly (by direct debit) the equivalent monthly rates are: £2.00 (AFORS)
    There is no subscription fee associated with CandORS.
    EXPLANATORY NOTE: The above rates represent an increase of 2.1% on current rates, the 12-monthly CPI rate in December 2017. No increase is proposed for the FORS and AORS fees.
  8. Special resolution requiring a 75% majority. To set the following annual subscription rates for members taking additional publications in hard copy with effect from 01/01/2020; Health Systems £12 For members paying monthly (by direct debit) the equivalent monthly rates are: Health Systems £1.00
    EXPLANATORY NOTE: The frequency of publication for Health Systems will increase from three to four issues per volume.
  9. Special resolution requiring a 75% majority. To set the following annual overseas postage subscription rates for members taking Inside OR in hard copy with effect from 01/01/2020; Air mail to Europe £45.60; Air mail to Zone 1 countries £57.00; Air mail to Zone 2 countries £60.60
    For members paying monthly (by direct debit) the equivalent monthly rates are:
    Air mail to Europe £3.80; Air mail to Zone 1 countries £4.75; Air mail to Zone 2 countries £5.05
    EXPLANATORY NOTE: The above rates reflect changes applied by Royal Mail in April 2019. Inside OR is available to all members in electronic format. Surface mail is no longer be offered as an option.
  10. Special resolution requiring a 75% majority. To set the following annual subscription rates for members taking OR/MS Today in hard copy with effect from 01/01/2020; UK £36.00; Air mail to Europe £50.50; Air mail to Zone 1 countries £56.50; Air mail to Zone 2 countries £58.00
    For members paying monthly (by direct debit) the equivalent monthly rates are: UK £3.00; Air mail to Europe £4.20; Air mail to Zone 1 countries £4.70; Air mail to Zone 2 countries £4.85
    EXPLANATORY NOTE: The above rates reflect the increased cost of supply and postage charges applied by Royal Mail.

VOTING at the Annual General Meeting is by ballot. Please use the attached ballot, or the online form at Ballots may be submitted online or by post (to arrive, in either case, at the society's office at least 24 hours before the meeting), or handed in in person at the meeting.