What we do and why: Theory of Change for The Fed

Project summary

Develop a Theory of Change (Logic Model) relating all The Fed’s activities to its organisational purpose and outcomes.

How will this project benefit the organisation?

The Theory of Change will provide a vehicle for communicating how the charity’s activities benefit the outside world. In the short term, this will enable it to better present its case when fundraising; in the longer term, it will enable The Fed to better measure and manage its achievements, ensure internal understanding of shared goals, and support the development of a strategy that is coherent across the multiple lines of work.

Project description

The Fed (Federation of Jewish Services) is a Manchester-based charity that provides a variety of services to Jewish people in need: residential care, day care, mental health support, children’s and family services, and more. It aims to reduce social isolation, improve financial security, and improve health and well-being, in culturally-appropriate ways.

This project would work with The Fed to construct a Theory of Change (or logic model) articulating the desired ultimate impact, and specifying which activities, inputs and outputs lead to the outcomes that it seeks, and how; and use this to indicate which performance measures would help The Fed demonstrate its impact.  It is expected that this will be done primarily through a workshop with the relevant senior management team.

The volunteer should be confident in facilitating such workshops to develop a Theory of Change, and be comfortable doing this remotely.

At the end of the project, The Fed would like a diagram showing inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes and ultimate impact, with a list of assumptions made (whether evidenced or not); together with a suggestion of what to measure; that encapsulates the understanding of Fed senior management.


If you feel you can offer your assistance please complete the application form by Friday 5 July 2024.

The OR Society fully supports equal opportunities.


Remote unless all can agree that an in-person workshop is practical

Time commitment


About the organisation

For further information about The Fed please visit https://www.thefed.org.uk/

Desired start date

Summer 2024

Desired end date

August 31 2024

About Pro Bono OR

For further information about Pro Bono OR, please visit or email [email protected]