Demonstrating the impact of Mothers Uncovered

Project summary

Analyse the feedback collected from workshop surveys and explore possible new survey design, to give better insight/information for funders.

How will this project benefit the organisation?

Livestock wants to achieve more sustainable funding by being able to demonstrate the impact of their work. Therefore, success for this project would be a survey design and analysis that can be used to demonstrate impact to funders.

Project description

Livestock supports primarily new mothers, but all parents in a variety of ways – mainly through creative workshops. They would like help analysing feedback collected from post workshop surveys for one of their projects - Mothers Uncovered - and exploring whether the survey asks ‘the right questions’ to give the insight/information needed.

We expect that the volunteer will:

  • Discuss the issue and data availability with Maggie Gordon-Walker and her co-director
  • Examine available paperwork to investigate the outcomes desired from activities
  • Analyse surveys from the past one or two years and produce a brief report on their results
  • Facilitate a workshop with trustees, directors and facilitators to agree an improved survey design
  • Produce a new survey and possibly an automated system for analysing results

Note that the surveys are currently paper-based but will be uploaded onto Dropbox.

General analytical skills together with experience of workshop facilitation would be useful.


If you feel you can offer your assistance please complete the application form by Friday 12 June 2024.

The OR Society fully supports equal opportunities.



Time commitment


About the organisation

For further information about Livestock and their Mothers Uncovered project please visit

Desired start date

June 2024

Desired end date

September 2024

About Pro Bono OR

For further information about Pro Bono OR, please visit or email [email protected]