OR & Strategy

Explore the operational research methods and models available for supporting strategy. You will be able to develop your skills in a full session in scenario planning. This course better equips you to apply OR principles for strategic planning activities.


  • Explore the range of operational research methods and models available for supporting strategy. 
  • Develop confidence in applying these methods with a practical scenario planning session. 
  • Apply OR principles to strategic activity to the benefit of your business. 
  • Develop an understanding of the strategy development process 
  • Gain an appreciation of the range of approaches that can be used to support strategy development 
  • Practice in approaches to scenario planning.  
  • An understanding of the strategy development process. 

Learning objectives

  • Apply the strategy development process in a scenario planning session. 
  • Learn about problem structuring. 
  • Learn about Systems Thinking. 
  • Address common questions that arise in practice when developing strategy. 
  • Understand the assumptions behind strategy development and scenario planning. 
  • Learn when to use these different approaches. 


  • Strategy Development Process 
  • Problem structuring 
  • Systems Thinking 
  • Scenario planning 


This course will suit anyone who would like to better understand the benefits of aligning OR with strategic development.

Course format

  • PowerPoint presentation to introduce the topics including illustrative examples from different sectors
  • Case studies based on ‘real world’ problems
  • Group discussion/work to explore the topics in more detail
  • Bring questions from your own work to embed your learning
  • Supporting resource pack available to use following the course

Related courses

  • Problem Structuring Methods 
  • System Dynamics 

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Meet the tutor

Frances O'Brien

Frances is an Associate Professor in Operational Research and Management Sciences at Warwick Business School. She graduated with a BSc in Maths and Classical Studies from the University of Surrey and went on to take an MSc in Operational Research at Southampton University.

Her PhD is from Warwick University. She is an academic in the Operations group at Warwick Business School, and has taught on a range of business modelling and strategic development courses for a wide variety of student groups from undergraduate to MBA.

Her previous industrial experience is with Ford Motor Company as an OR analyst providing modelling support on simulation, manpower planning and optimisation projects. Her research interests include the development and use of tools to support strategy development, in particular scenario planning and visioning methodologies, and the practice of combining OR & strategy tools by management teams.

She is an active member of the UK Operational Research Society and is on the committees of the Women in OR & Analytics Network (WORAN) and the OR and Strategy Special Interest Group.