Statistical Methods in OR: Multivariate Models

A practical course using multivariate statistical techniques to gain greater insights from your analysis.


  • Advance your analytical skills using a range of multivariate statistical techniques.  
  • Gain more detailed insight from your analysis by exploring multiple variables simultaneously to find patterns and correlations. 
  • Increase your confidence using multivariate techniques to analyse complex datasets.

Learning objectives

  • Prepare a multivariate dataset for analysis. 
  • Apply Principal Components Analysis and interpret the results. 
  • Apply Factor Analysis and interpret the results. 
  • Apply Cluster Analysis and interpret the results. 
  • Apply Discriminant Analysis and interpret the results. 
  • Learn when to use these different statistical techniques


  • Preparing a multivariate dataset for analysis. 
  • Principal Components Analysis. 
  • Factor Analysis. 
  • Cluster Analysis. 
  • Discriminant Analysis


This course is anyone interested in getting an overview of multivariate statistical techniques. Participants should be familiar with basic statistical analysis as covered in the related course: Foundations of OR: Statistical Methods in OR: Descriptive Statistics, Sampling and Regression.

Course format

  • Powerpoint presentation to introduce the techniques 
  • Practical sessions using SPSS software 
  • Case studies based on ‘real world’ problems  
  • Group discussion/work to interpret the results 
  • Bring questions from your own work to embed your learning 
  • Supporting resource pack available to use following the course 

Related courses

  • Follow on to Forecasting: ARIMA modelling for forecasting 
  • Optimisation and (Meta-) Heuristics 
  • Data Envelopment Analysis 

Want to run this course in-house? Enquire about running this course in-house

Meet the tutor

Maureen Meadows

Maureen Meadows is Professor of Strategic Management in the Centre for Business in Society at Coventry University. Her prior posts include: a senior lectureship and Head of Department at the Department for Strategy and Marketing at the Open University Business School; a lectureship in Operational Research at Warwick Business School; and roles in operational research and marketing strategy (including market segmentation and delivery strategy) at National Westminster Bank. She holds a B. A. (Hons) in Mathematics from the University of Oxford, an MSc Management Science and Operational Research (Distinction) from the University of Warwick and a PhD from the Open University Business School. Her research interests include market segmentation and relationship marketing in the personal financial services sector, and the use of methods and tools such as visioning and scenario planning to support strategy development.

Maureen is a member of the Fellows College and the Peer Review College of the British Academy of Management