Behavioural Frameworks and Methods for OR Practice                                

This course offers a set of frameworks and methods based on behavioural science to support Operational Research (OR) Practice. The course can be useful for developing behavioural OR models, understanding behavioural issues with the implementation of OR models and the behavioural aspects of interventions.         


  • Differences between Behavioural OR and Behavioural Operations
  • Introduction to frameworks and methods of Behavioural OR
  • Discussion of case studies related to Behavioural OR

Learning objectives

  • Learn the frameworks and methods of Behavioural OR
  • Learn how to consider behavioural aspects on your OR practice
  • Identify approaches to facilitate behavioural change


  • Behavioural OR
  • Behavioural Operations
  • Frameworks to evaluate behavioural aspects of OR modelling
  • Behavioural aspects to consider when using models with users
  • Behavioural aspects to consider the impact of models on users and the organisation


This course is open to any OR practitioners who are interested in knowing how to consider behavioural aspects on their practice. For example, analysts need to understand how to communicate their models to achieve changes in behaviours or an OR consultant has found difficult to implement interventions in projects, etc.

Course format

  • PowerPoint presentation to introduce the topics including illustrative examples from different sectors
  • Case studies based on ‘real world’ problems
  • Practical sessions using Microsoft Excel with the Solver tool pack
  • Group discussion/work to explore the topics in more detail
  • Bring questions from your own work to embed your learning
  • Supporting resource pack available to use following the course

Related courses

  • Follow on to Forecasting: ARIMA modelling for forecasting

Want to run this course in-house? Enquire about running this course in-house

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Meet the tutor

Dr. Martin Kunc

Martin is Professor of Business Dynamics/Management Science at Southampton Business School. His areas of research are System Dynamics modelling and its application in scenarios and strategic decision making in healthcare and professional firms. He has projects with organisations both private and public.

He has published in multiple journals and books in analytics, behavioural operational research and system dynamics. He is co-editor of the Journal of the Operational Research Society.