Funding opportunities

Who funds what?

Navigating the landscape of research grants can be both highly competitive and daunting, given the myriad of available funding sources. Many researchers may not be fully aware of the diverse funding opportunities that exist.

These opportunities come from a variety of entities including research councils, charitable organisations, trusts, and professional societies. Understanding where to find these resources and how to apply for them can be a critical factor in securing the necessary support for your research projects.

The Operational Research Society (OR Society) is committed to helping researchers discover and secure funding. We offer a comprehensive list of research funding sources that spans a wide range of disciplines and interests within the field of operational research.


Our resources are meticulously curated to include funding opportunities from well-established research councils, philanthropic organisations dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge, and specialised trusts that support niche areas of research.

In addition to our extensive list, the OR Society provides access to open funding calls. These calls highlight current opportunities where researchers can submit proposals for funding consideration. This dynamic resource is regularly updated to ensure you have the latest information on available grants and other funding mechanisms.

One of the standout features offered by the OR Society is our EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) funding dashboard specifically designed for operational research. This tool is an invaluable asset for researchers seeking funding within this domain. The EPSRC dashboard provides detailed insights into funding success rates, giving you a clearer understanding of the competitive landscape and helping you strategise your applications more effectively.

Through these resources, the OR Society aims to demystify the process of finding and applying for research funding.

Whether you are a seasoned researcher or new to the field, our goal is to equip you with the information and tools needed to navigate the funding landscape successfully. Explore our funding opportunities and leverage the OR Society's resources to support your groundbreaking research in operational research.

Open Funding Opportunities

Open Funding Opportunities

Open Funding Opportunities to find out what opportunities are available read on.

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Top Tips Applying for Funding

Top Tips Applying for Funding

Top tips on how you can access funding from across the Internet and experienced funders.

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Top Tips Reviewing a Research Proposal

Top Tips Reviewing a Research Proposal

Top Tips: Reviewing a Research Proposal The peer review process is invaluable in assisting research panels to make decisions about funding.

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Funding Sources

Funding Sources

If you are aware of funding sources not currently included, please let us know via the form on this page.

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