Why I'm joining the EPSRC Peer Review College

We spoke to Dr Kathy Kotiadis, University of Kent, to find out about her experience of being a full member of the EPSRC Peer Review College. Kathy is a Reader in Management Science/ Operational Research at Kent Business School and has been peer-reviewing for almost five years.


Can you tell us a bit about your experience of being at the EPSRC Peer Review College?

I have been part of the EPSRC Peer Review College for almost five years and it has been a rewarding experience. I became a member a couple of years after returning from a career break. When I put in my application I was not expecting to be selected as I had not even got a permanent academic appointment at that time! It really is true that the college look for a variety of people. It was very useful in reconnecting with the EPSRC grant writing process from the reviewers’ point of view.

What are the benefits of taking part in the peer-review process?

One of the key benefits is the training that is provided initially which really helps to prepare you for the role. Being part of the peer-review process helps you to have a greater understanding of the process of writing a grant, in the same way that reviewing journal papers helps you to become a better author of journal articles.

What insights have you gained?

I have gained confidence in the value of my expertise through the process of reviewing applications. It’s a good experience to know that my expertise is needed! The EPSRC college needs a variety of expertise and experiences and it’s important that a variety of people join the college.

Why is it important that OR is well-represented at EPSRC?

It is very important that OR is represented at the EPSRC so that experts in that subject area can review applications from that field. But, more importantly, it is important that both hard and soft OR are represented. EPSRC also needs those that have theoretical and practical/applied experience.

What networking benefits are there?

I have not had the chance to explore these yet, but I will certainly look out for them more in the future.

Do you feel being part of the College has a reputational benefit?

I have not actually mentioned my membership to the college to many people so I have not, but I will be moving forward. I only recently discovered that I was in the minority of OR people in business schools that is a member.

How has being part of EPSRC helped you to understand research strategy better?

It certainly has. It was covered in the training provided and being part of the process has continued to strengthen my understanding.