EURO launches new online seminar series for Operational Research community

EURO, the Association of European Operational Research Societies is launching a brand-new online seminar series, marking a significant step forward in its mission to promote Operational Research (OR) more widely across Europe.

The EURO Online seminar series is a fresh addition to Euro's other activities and was approved as a new instrument in 2024. Through the seminars, speakers will be able to share OR research findings and instigate stimulating discussions within the research community. By embracing digital platforms, EURO aims to make OR research more accessible and engaging than ever before.

What's the mission?

EURO’s core mission is to promote OR in Europe and the new series will be a platform for researchers to share their latest discoveries and insights directly with a broad audience. By encouraging dialogue and interaction, Euro aims to stimulate collaboration and innovation within the OR community.

Why it matters

Seb Hargreaves, Executive Director, The OR Society says, “These Interactive seminars from EURO will be a fantastic way for operational researchers to share their unique research and views on a range of relevant topics, connect with peers, exchange ideas and engage greater numbers of researchers across Europe in interesting discussions. We look forward to watching this exciting series.”

How you can get involved

The launch of the EURO Online Seminar Series also brings exciting opportunities for researchers across Europe.

If you're passionate about OR and eager to share your work, now is the time to get involved.

The call for applications is now open, with a deadline extended to May 15th, 2024.

Simply visit the application portal - to submit your proposal and become part of this groundbreaking initiative.