Scope & online access


Published bi-monthly in electronic and printed form, Inside OR contains news about current events in OR, forthcoming meetings, conferences and training courses, awards and prizes that are available and articles of interest to the OR community. These cover a very broad scope including: reviews of software; reports of OR in action; introductory articles on particular techniques; reports on the state of the profession and developments in it; and articles about the history of OR.

Inside OR E-alert

Members receive an automated bi-monthly e-alert of the Inside OR contents by email as soon as the most recent publication becomes available. The e-alert email lists the latest Inside OR contents and links directly through to the electronic version on this website. (NB to view the Inside OR publication online, members must first register a username and password - links provided in the e-alert.)

A plain text version of the e-alert is also available. To change the format of your e-alert or to request no Inside OR e-alert emails, please contact the society via the form on this page.

Online access

Full articles are only accessible to paying members of the society. If you are a member and do not yet have your username and password please contact us. If you have forgotten your login details, please  click here.

Non-members who have registered with the website (e.g. as part of submitting an abstract, or booking a conference) do not have access to the full Inside OR articles. Membership subscription details can be found here.