
I’d like to welcome you all to the first issue of InsideOR under its new stewardship. This issue will be different in that we’re without the guidance of John Crocker and without the considerable input generated by Nigel Cummings. The Society is indebted to the contribution of both over recent years.

Having said this issue will be different, I expect it’ll be exactly what you’ve come to know and (hopefully) love. As the new editor I have no immediate plans to revamp the style, and the content will be broadly similar. There will be an opportunity to review both over the coming months. Given my previous role, I’m extremely familiar with InsideOR and its development over the last 15+ years.

Nigel’s passing (as reported in the March issue) has left a huge hole in our article pipeline and has therefore left us with a perfect opportunity to call on you all to contribute your stories, news and case studies to InsideOR. It really is very simple to get involved, so please consider writing something.

This issue features the usual spectrum of a bit of everything from the world of OR, analytics and AI. There’s a fascinating interview with Laura Reid, the Simul8 CEO, giving a few insights into what simulation can be used for. The potential use of OR continues in a thought-piece on the Post Office scandal. This is something that has dominated the UK press and media for many months, so Martin Parr asks whether OR could and should have prevented it.

We also have write-ups from two Society events – a regional meeting in the North-West and a workshop held at a joint SIG meeting. Both will show just some of the variety of opportunities for you to get involved in our activities to widen your network and contribute to your professional development.

There’s also a bit of focus on mathematics in the shape of a report from the first Maths Summit, held recently at the The Science Museum. There’s also news on the publication of The Maths Manifesto.

Needless to say, we can’t escape AI. James Lupton tells us it’s time to prepare for AI, and there’s a report on new European legislation. Gemma Dale and Mike Drummond also share some insight on how AI may be used in teaching, prompted by the rapid evolution of large language models like ChatGPT.

Finally, there are many opportunities for you to get involved in the Society’s activities – pro bono, awards, meetings and conferences. Don’t be put it off, get stuck in!