Inside OR

The May 2023 edition of the newsletter of The OR Society

This month, we ask, are we being bullied by apps, is your data safe and, we're rethinking our membership offer.

Leader: Rethinking our membership offer

Rosemary Byrd looks back over her articles and the things the Publicity, Membership and Website (PMW) committee have been considering, and reflects on what we have achieved and what needs to change.

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Stark warnings about AI industry

Professor Cynthia Rudin, Duke University, is an artificial intelligence researcher who says there is “both vast potential and overwhelming risk in the current state of the AI industry”.

She says that the recent rise of ChatGPT, an AI-based tool that lets users engage with and order up written products from a computer algorithm has shone new light on the technology, and lawmakers need to, “get a handle on it all”.

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Time reflections are real

For over 50 years, scientists theorised that an electromagnetic wave could be reflected temporally - not just spatially. Using an engineered metamaterial scientists in New York City have successfully observed time reflections for the first time.

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The Great Resignation and HR analytics

During this ‘age’, defined by the COVID-19 pandemic, many articles have referred to the ‘Great Resignation’, a phenomenon where employees have moved across industries and changed ‘professions’. This has particularly been the case for hospitality workers faced with limited furlough incentives and rising living costs, their only option was to abandon their established careers and move to more lucrative revenue streams of employment.

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