Inside OR

The July 2024 edition of the newsletter of The OR Society

Leader: All things must pass....


The Board and leadership team have been building a growth and diversification plan over the last couple of years. This requires a long-term investment approach and well executed projects, seen through to successful outcomes.

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Dear Member

In a letter to members OR Society President Gilbert Owusu asks you to consider standing for election to General Council (GC). GC membership can be extremely rewarding both personally and professionally, and GC members are crucial to the achievement of the OR Society’s aims.

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Celebrating 75 years of volunteering

We were delighted to be able to hold a reception for OR Society volunteers at the House of Lords during volunteer’s week. After a welcome by Lord Clement Jones, President Gilbert Owusu gave a speech thanking volunteers and acknowledging their numerous contributions to the society and wider OR community.

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The energy transition: more complex than the industrial revolution

Andy Normand considers the global energy transition to a cleaner, greener future which is one of the most complex challenges of the twenty-first century and the biggest step-change since the industrial revolution began in the mid-eighteenth century.

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