Inside OR

The July 2023 edition of the newsletter of The OR Society

Leader: Providing OR with a stronger voice in the wider research community

Christine Currie takes a look at the focus of The OR Society's research committee. Set up in 2016 to provide OR with a stronger voice in the wider research community and to be a source of advice and support to OR academics, with the aim of promoting the health of the academic discipline.

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How simulation can help predict the effects of pandemics and climate change

Prof Russell Cheng provided a powerful and thought-provoking talk on how simulation can help predict the effects of pandemics and climate change via MultiWave skew-logistic processes. The parameters he input for his Covid simulation included the number of active cases at any given time, rate of increase of infection, rate of decrease of infection and location of infection.

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UK Funds Safe AI

In April this year, the UK government pledged £100M in funding to form a task force to help the UK build and adopt the next generation of ‘safe AI’. The task force will be modelled on the COVID-19 vaccines task force. Its purpose will be to develop a ‘safe and reliable use’ of AI across the economy and ensure the UK is globally competitive in its AI technology.

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New Horizons Funding

AI via ML is being used to help determine which cardiac patients are most likely to benefit from having a subcutaneous cardiac defibrillator (S-ICD) fitted rather than the more traditional “pacemaker”.

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