Inside OR

The January 2023 edition of the newsletter of The OR Society

This month, our incoming President, Gilbert Owusu, helps us get ready for The OR Society's Jubilee, John Ranyard takes us on his personal journey into analytics and big data and we look at how OR and Ocado are beating the vehicle routing problem.

Leader: Powered by OR, getting ready for The OR Society’s Jubilee

The OR Society's new President considers changing times in a world powered by OR. Operational research as a distinct discipline has endured the frequent conversations about renaming or rebranding itself after the ‘current thing’, be it business intelligence, data science or analytics with its hundreds of prefixes (cognitive, descriptive, diagnostic, predictive and prescriptive, to name but five).

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My journey towards analytics and big data

John Ranyard shares his experiences in the field of OR, in particular analytics and big data, during his varied and interesting career.

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OR and Ocado are beating the vehicle routing problem

Ocado’s business is, primarily, about delivering packages to customers’ front doors within a small window of time – often referred to as “the last mile” deliveries. Every day, each of its vans (and it has a very large number of them) has to be loaded (in a certain order) and its driver is provided with a clearly defined route.

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Connecting with your customer

Nigel Cummings reports on our 2022 Annual Conference (OR64), where Dr Bettina Schirrmeister. Head of Data Science Marketing at MoneySuperMarket (MSM), gave a plenary talk focusing on optimising the effectiveness of MSM’s marketing strategies and designing an action plan had significantly improved MSM’s business.

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