Inside OR

The February 2023 edition of the newsletter of The OR Society

This month, we say goodbye, of sorts, to our outgoing Executive Director, Gavin Blackett, Christina Phillips shows us how to finish a PhD early and we have smart grids and electric vehicles.

Leader: So long, and thanks for all the fish

This month we wave goodbye to Gavin Blackett who has served as The OR Society's Executive Director for the last 16 years. Gavin takes an overview of his years with the Society before he moves onto a new role through the Society.

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Integrating Smart Grids and Electric Vehicles

Energy laboratories, utilities, and energy pilot projects worldwide have, by and large, found that electric vehicles (EVs) can be integrated into power grids in ways that benefit communities and vehicle owners while improving grid reliability and resilience. 

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How to finish a PhD early – or how the avalanche swept me along

Christina's PhD studies began in October 2014 and should have finished by end of September 2017, but she successfully defended her thesis in July 2017 with only minor corrections required. So, how did this happen?

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ML training on a microcontroller

Find out how researchers at MIT have developed programming techniques that use less than a quarter of a megabyte of memory to enable ML training, making it suitable for operation in microcontrollers and other edge hardware with limited resources.

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