Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS)

The Journal of the Operational Research Society (JORS) presents papers that typically cover the theory, practice, history or methodology of OR.


Full papers are only accessible to paying members of the society.

Non-members who have registered with the website (e.g. as part of submitting an abstract, or booking a conference) do not have access to full JORS papers.


The Journal of the Operational Research Society is published 12 times a year by Taylor & Francis on behalf of The OR Society. It is the aim of the Journal to present papers which are relevant to practitioners, researchers, teachers, students and consumers of operational research, and which cover the theory, practice, history or methodology of OR. However, since OR. is primarily an applied science, it is a major objective of the Journal to attract and publish accounts of good, practical case studies. Consequently, papers illustrating applications of OR. to real problems are especially welcome.

  • Real applications of OR - forecasting, inventory, investment, location, logistics, maintenance, marketing, packing, purchasing, production, project management, reliability and scheduling
  • A wide variety of environments - community OR, education, energy, finance, government, health services, manufacturing industries, mining, sports, and transportation
  • Technical approaches - decision support systems, expert systems, heuristics, networks, mathematical programming, multicriteria decision methods, problems structuring methods, queues, and simulation


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JORS Webinars

JORS Gender Equality Webinar

This webinar discussed the paper 'Gender equality: opportunities and challenges for the OR community'. It was hosted by Paula Carroll and Annunziata Esposito Amideo, the authors of the discussion paper.

Watch Here

Call for papers

Exploring complementarities and differences between Operational Research and Generative AI to Transform Operations
Closing Date: 31 March 2025

Discussion Papers

Click here for jors-discussion-papers

Critical Review Papers

Click here for jors-critical-reviews

Click here for our special issues policy

Author Instructions

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