Applied Operations and Analytics (AOA)

The journal of Applied Operations and Analytics is a new fully Open Access, cross-disciplinary forum publishing peer-reviewed research that uses both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyse and synthesize data to gain insights that allow for better decision making, comprehension of complex systems, and solutions to challenging problems.


As an Open Access journal, full papers can be accessed by anyone.



The journal will encompass a wide range of research types, including multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary investigations, replication studies, findings of negative or null results, comprehensive literature reviews, and case studies.

In the spirit of transparency and scientific progress, authors are encouraged to deposit and share code and/or data, and the journal's reviewers and editors will also be encouraged to comment on the clarity of the methodology and whether authors have made efforts to make their code and/or data reusable.

The journal invites authors to consider real-world applicability and generic (i.e. replicable) method or methodology development in their writing and how such methodological advances can be translated into other settings/domains and disciplines.

Submissions are welcome from academia, industry, and collaborations between the two.

All application areas will be considered.

Submissions should be well-written and clear in their contribution.

Call for papers


Author Instructions

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