For Lecturers

If you’re an academic teaching or lecturing at university for a maths, business or economics course, this page should provide you with all the information you need – relevant to part-time and full-time students of any life stage.

We can support you with:

Speaker Slots

We visit university students up and down the country who are taking numerate degrees to promote the various different career options for when they graduate.

Whether they are aware of operational research (OR) – for example doing a MORSE course – or if they are a business and finance or engineering student who has never heard of OR we don’t mind!

The presentation lasts an hour and is a great opportunity for students to find out about a career that most would not otherwise hear about – it covers all the key information about OR, who employs OR analysts and the work they do (they are seldom called operational researchers – usually the name is 'modelling analyst' or 'risk forecaster' or 'big data analyst' or something like that).

Every large successful organisation uses OR and optimisation – they might not call it that and might not know it, but they are indeed using OR.

Undergraduate Award

Did you know we offer a prize to one student per registered institution per academic year?

At each institution, the student who completes the best OR project as part of their relevant undergraduate degree course is awarded:

  • A certificate
  • £50.00
  • The opportunity to present an overview of their project at The OR Society’s *Education and Research Seminar*
  • Each winning student’s name, their institution and course details, and the abstract of their project is published on the ORS website(s)
  • An article also features on the ORS website(s) and in Inside OR with photographs of all prize winners at the seminar series or with photographs forwarded by the institutions

For more information, visit the Awards page.

Careers Open Day and Career Profiles

The OR Society annual careers open day for students studying maths (or similar) at university is back!

We want students to know the type of careers they could pursue after university using maths and related disciplines – so every year we host our Careers Open Day. The day is equally valuable for employers looking to recruit graduates and career-seekers alike, the event typically attracts around 300 final year undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Find out about the best careers in OR – book your free place and you’ll get to:

  • Enjoy a FREE lunch and coffee
  • Find out how to get into OR and analytics
  • Discuss post graduate courses with the course providers
  • Meet employers and discuss opportunities for OR and analytics careers
  • Hear graduates’ experiences of working in OR and analytics
For more information visit our Careers Open Day page or email [email protected]