Cook Medal

This award is named in memory of Steve Cook, a practitioner-turned-academic known for innovative and effective education in OR. He devoted his working life to the formal and informal use of OR concepts in helping bring about enlightened social change.

The Cook Medal is awarded in recognition of the most outstanding contribution to the philosophy, theory or practice of Knowledge Management published in Knowledge Management Research & Practice (KMRP) within the relevant period.

Citation for Cook Medal 2022

Cameron Guthrie

Knowledge worker fitness in the workspace: self-managing at the edge of chaos

This year’s medal is awarded to Cameron Guthrie from the Toulouse Business School, France, for the paper ‘Knowledge worker fitness in the workspace: self-managing at the edge of chaos’.

The judges recognised the importance of this topic and its relevance to the contemporary workplace. Whilst the paper carefully details a specific case, the topic is universally relevant. It deals with problems faced by all knowledge workers regardless of industry. By doing so it illustrates the relevance of Knowledge Management as a discipline and its value for general management. The paper conceptualises this issue using a valuable theoretical framework from Complex Adaptive Systems theory.

The author is to be congratulated on creating an engaging and detailed qualitative Case Study on this subject and drawing timely and valuable conclusions for the modern workplace.

Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 19 (2) 181-196

Cameron Guthrie