Data Science Professional Certification

The Alliance for Data Science Professionals (AfDSP) offers two levels of certification to the members of specially licensed bodies, including The OR Society. The certification denotes that you have been independently assessed as meeting benchmarked standards of competence and experience in the broad field of data science; that you are continuing to keep your skills up-to-date; and that you are committed to comply with an independent code of conduct.

Become a certified Data Science Professional through The OR Society

Skills, knowledge and experience are all assessed by the application process. The standards set out the skills, understanding and knowledge you are expected to demonstrate to become a Certified Data Science Professional (or Advanced Data Science Professional).

Professional body membership is a requirement of professional registration with the Alliance. The OR Society is proud to be a licensed professional body, helping make your certification as a member a lot simpler.

Applicants need to demonstrate their knowledge across five areas by providing examples from their professional life, usually within the last two - five years, which illustrate how they have met each element of the standard. Approaches to ethics and efficacy across the five areas will also be assessed/ The applicants will also need to demonstrate other elements of competency such as responsibility and accountability. In addition to this requirement, CSci applicants will also need to provide professional references that can vouch for their knowledge and experience.

The standard and advanced levels of certification sit alongside the specific OR Society accreditation awards of CandORS, AORS, AFORS and FORS. Standard level is roughly equivalent to AORS, whilst the advanced level is essentially equivalent to AFORS and the relevant chartered qualifications offered by the member bodies (CSci, CITP, CMath, and CStat).

Documents relating to Certification Guidance and Process, the Standards and Levels Definition can be accessed via the AfDSP website