Science Council Accreditation

The Science Council offers Chartered Scientist (CSci) and Registered Scientist (RSci) to the members of specially licensed scientific bodies, such as The OR Society. The initials CSci or RSci after your name denote that you have been independently assessed as meeting benchmarked standards of scientific competence and experience; that you are continuing to keep your skills up-to-date; and that you are committed to comply with an independent code of conduct.

Become a Registered or Chartered Scientist through The OR Society

Registered scientists (RSci) can be found in a huge variety of scientific and higher technical roles. They are able to work autonomously and apply their scientific knowledge in new areas. As you progress in your career and gain more responsibility and experience, you may want to apply for Chartered Scientist (CSci). Chartered scientists represent the best professional scientists working in the UK and abroad. Leading teams and departments, they use their specialist knowledge and broader scientific understanding to develop and improve the application of science and technology.

Professional body membership is a requirement of professional registration with the Science Council. The OR Society is proud to be a licensed professional body, helping make your CSci or RSci registration as a member a lot simpler. Both registration and chartership as a scientist provide broad recognition for the professional capabilities of operational researchers, analysts and data scientists in the UK.

Other professional registration

CSci and RSci are not mutually exclusive to our other accreditation pathways and can sit alongside the specific OR Society accreditation awards of CandORS, AORS, AFORS and FORS.

It is ideal for OR people wishing to demonstrate their professional excellence and commitment.

Ruth Kaufman, OBE, FORS, FIMA, CSci

Chartered Scientist

Chartered Scientist

Chartered Scientists (CSci) demonstrate effective leadership, using their specialist knowledge and broader scientific understanding to develop and improve the application of science.

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Registered Scientist

Registered Scientist

Registered Scientists apply their skills and knowledge whilst working autonomously and have the ability to resolve problems and identify, review and select appropriate techniques and procedures.

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